Saturday, 18 July 2009

Trials & Tribulations

Last Monday (or was it Tuesday) a friend was on holiday for the week & rang to see if I wanted to go down the pub. I thought why not? I don"t drink much these days but it was a sunny day & I needed to get out the house ( I do most of my work from home now) so thought why not? We went to Weatherpersons first which is always good as drinks are so cheap.
Then I suggested going to the Axe. Hadn"t been there for a while. I only go in there now if some women friends of mine come down from Sutton Bridge usually to see a band. Anyway, we were having a conversation with matey behind the bar about music & I inadvertently said that some of the newer bands such as Kasabian were better than the stuff that they played in the Axe. With that Del the landlord (who I"m usually OK with) overheard us talking & told me to leave. He said if you dont like the bands why come in here? Fair point but I only go there in the daytime these days so no-one would be playing then. Then this tw*t joined in "yeh get out!" Who the F*** was he? No-one"s seen him before but earlier on he said he was a builder who was in charge of 30 people - what a joke. Who in their right mind would work for him. He didn"t even look like a builder.
I went straight to the I.Q. after that. My friend later told me that he (the builder) tried to cause trouble with him & our other mate who came in a bit later. As I said when I first started this blog. "What"s happening to this world" Nuff said.

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