Saturday, 13 December 2008

Trials & Tribulations - Walking the dog

I don"t think I"ve mentioned the dog in the picture. You"re maybe wondering who he is. Well he"s not actually my pet. He belongs to the next-door neighbour & his name is PJ although I call him boysy. I take him out regularly because the elderly neighbour can"t manage him herself.
Trouble is, he likes to gallop like a raging bull even when he"s on the lead. When he"s just walking he walks too fast, pulling me along aswell if he can get away with it. There is a field that I go to so I can let him off. but he sees other dogs & runs up to them to try to make friends. He never fights them as he"s very placid but other dogs can get nasty. The owners have been great so far [touch wood] but I know some can be funny.
I once took him in the pub but he won"t settle & starts misbehaving yelping & jumping about. He always wants to keep on the move even when I stop to talk to someone but I still love taking him out - that"s why I called this blog "Mans Best Friend"

For more on PJ & dog handling in general click here:
By T.R.Dunn @copywright 2008

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