I sometimes play the keyboard with a couple of local musicians and our band is called The Fezz. A few weeks ago just before bonfire night, we got asked to play at a wedding in Kirton. The groom was going to play drums with us so we agreed as we were looking for a drummer.
Anyway, we made our way there on the bus & waited in the church. We didn"t know at that point where we were going to play. As it turned out, it was in the groom"s house where there was also going to be a disco. I wondered how that was going to work out because live music doesn"t mix with disco. We got in and of course there was no room for our equipment but we made room in the end. They turned the disco off when we played which amazingly went very well & sounded better than the disco, even with the singer"s tiny amp & the sound from the built-in speakers on the keyboard plus the other guitar player.
Trouble was, The last bus back home was at 7.30pm which came and went. I started wondering how we"d get back home. The singer rang his sister who said would give us a lift but she wasn"t in so I panicked a bit & got a bit restless. anyway the groom stormed into the room & shouted something at me, [can"t remember what] so I shouted back and he just punched me in the mouth. Blood dripped on the floor although I didn"t fall down as I"m pretty strong myself. I wanted to hit back but our guitars, amplifiers, microphones etc was just behind them & could have got smashed and we didn"t have insurance.
In the end, the dj took us home. I asked him what it was all about. He told me that I had said while in the room the groom should have took us home instead of dancing with his new wife which I didn"t say at all. In any case, he was too drunk to drive so I wouldn"t have said that. Needless to say the drummer isn"t gonna play in our band now.
The singer/guitarist has made a new CD with the Fezz with loui on drums & Tony on keyboard. Brian also plays guitar. There are sample songs mixed on video from the new cd as well as live video clips & info. These can be found at http://www.myspace.com/thefezzle
Click Here for to view my site on guitar related stuff, the history of the guitar & it"s main exponents, lessons etc.
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